Why I Am Spiritually Drawn To Triangles Pyramids And The Power Of Three.
I made this pretty triangle/pyramid necklace for my spiritual collection.
I feel spiritually drawn to triangles and pyramid shapes and always feel comfortable using three in my designs. Is it just me or is there something in this? Pyramids are used a lot in manifesting and cleansing. Small copper pyramids are said to be perfect for cleansing and charging your crystals with positive energy. Place your crystals inside your copper pyramid to charge them with new energy, especially when there is a new moon. When I was young, I once heard someone say “don’t forget to put your crystals out for charging tonight, there’s a full moon”. I didn’t really believe it in those days but now I am open to trying these things.
Apparently, if you hold your pyramid and crystal in your hand and create a nice quiet, peaceful environment, you can manifest your dreams, desires and wishes. To try it, take a moment to think about what you would like to attract or manifest for yourself or others, then simply close your eyes and visualise what it is you are wanting to manifest. You can repeat this practise daily until your wishes have been granted or until you decide to move on.
I am going to make myself a pyramid triangle and practise this. I will keep you updated on this in a future blog. You never know what we can achieve with the power of the mind and the universe. Pyramids are built with a strong base/foundation and a point which ascends towards the heavens so you never know the strength and power you may have in your hand.
If you think about triangles they have three sides. The triangle shape is the strongest of shapes as any weight pressed on the triangle is distributed and supported equally by all three sides. The triangle therefore is a symbol of strength. When you want to feel particularly strong wear a triangle piece of jewellery to remind yourself how strong you are. I have created some pretty triangle jewellery in my portfolio, see the photograph above.
Another interesting thought, I wonder if there is a coincidence that the trinities are three? Father, Son and Holy Spirit or other important threes are past/present/ future, mind/ body/ spirit, Dharmakaya/Sambhogakaya/Nirmanakaya. Gold/Frankincense and Myrrh and even The Three Wise Men. If you keep seeing 3, apparently the universe is giving you all the guidance you need to go forward and fulfil your desires.
The term third time lucky is well known and used often but apparently that was historically something completely different. The saying was supposed to have originated from old English law whereby an individual surviving three hangings would be set free. Hmmm … I would think surviving one hanging would be a miracle so not sure about this one. A more realistic and sensible thought would be that the third time of trying something would mean you had had time to practise twice before so the third time you should know what you are doing rather than being lucky.
What about the Bermuda Triangle?
A mysterious triangle roughly from Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where a large number of ships and aeroplanes have suspiciously disappeared. There is probably some phenomenon in that area but I don’t think anyone or anything has disappeared or been reported as missing there for many years now. Having said that, the only person that ever educated me on the Bermuda Triangle was Barry Manilow so I am no expert here.
Personally I think humans love a pattern, especially us artistic types and most of the time that comes in threes. The rule of thirds when taking photographs or painting pictures is used to position the most important elements on our canvas or photograph to encourage the eye to be drawn to them. When creating beaded jewellery I will often use three or five in my pieces. In flower arranging we are encouraged to group in threes. I think it is more pleasing to the eye.
This subject really fascinates me so I would love to hear your opinions on this, especially triangles. Look out on my instagram, I will be making more triangle jewellery, it is my new thing.
Until the next time, I will be manifesting Boris to help us become COVID free and back to a normal life - Julie xx