A visit to the Happy Place Festival lead me to create a vision board
I recently attended The Happy Place Festival at Tatton Park near Manchester. The whole day was filled with Yoga, medication, mindfulness, veganism, motivational speakers, poetry, crystals, sound baths and creative pursuits.
I booked myself on a vision board workshop. I had an idea what this would involve but it was so much more than I had envisaged.
The workshop leader had everyone interacting straight away, finding a partner and asking them what they wanted to achieve from the session. The lady I was partnered with had a very different goal to mine but we both felt that we could support one another and understood what we were aiming for. We bonded for that short period and I personally found this experience very encouraging and supportive. At one point during the session we were all directed to stand and say affirmations whilst tapping. Tapping is a whole new thing to me but it is an interesting concept I would like to find out more about, but for now, I want to concentrate on my vision board and manifesting.
I knew before I went into the creative tent that I wanted to put together a board that would encourage me to become healthier, to become stronger and to manifest the life I wanted for myself going forward. I knew I wanted to travel, seeing more of our beautiful country and eventually to travel more of the world. I wanted to eat healthier foods, try to have a couple of days a week without meat, spend time in my garden enjoying nature, creating a strong healthy body. All of these things I know are possible but seemed overwhelming to me. In the past with my good intentions I would start on a Monday morning with a healthy eating plan or a plan to do yoga every morning. I found that I overwhelmed myself and so I procrastinated and eventually slumped back in to my old habits and achieved nothing.
On that day of the festival, I went in to the tent with an excited anticipation. A vision board appealed to my creative side but I also felt motivated and encouraged to put together this magical physical thing that was going to layout my life plan in front of me. I hoped the fact that I could see what I as aiming for in bright pretty colours would keep me focused and driven to eventually accomplish my goals.
Manifesting - what is it?
Along with making this physical vision board, we were also manifesting. Manifesting is turning our ideas, thoughts and feelings in to a physical reality. The first steps are to create a vision board so you can see in front of you what you are manifesting, you then surround yourself with positivity, write down what you want to manifest either in the form of a journal or an affirmation. Say these affirmations out load and remind yourself of them daily. You can set yourself goals of what you would like to achieve and the time period you want to give yourself to reach that goal. Before you know it, you are manifesting what you want for your life.
So, I am now beyond the vision board stage. I have started to write down daily a journal of what I want the day to bring and I am walking the walk and talking the talk (in other words I am putting in to practise the things I can see on my vision board). This whole experience is keeping me in a positive frame of mind. I am driven to achieve these things and can’t wait to see what I have manifested this time next year.
If you have been inspired by this, create yourself a vision board. You can do an online version of a vision board on Pinterest. I did mine by cutting out photos and clips from magazines and pasting them on to a large A6 sheet of paper. I cut out how I wanted to look, what I wanted to eat, where I wanted to be, what I wanted to do. Inspirational quotes and reminders of what I am aiming for. I have popped a photograph of my vision board here for you all to see. It makes me happy and fills me with inspiration. I look at it daily and I know I will achieve my goals.
Julie Hannath-Randle